Thursday, July 20, 2006

ICyS - Summary of the Second Meeting

The UCD-Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research hosted in the Lecture Theater the 2nd Meeting of the Irish Cytometry Society that took place on the 31st January 2006.

This event was chaired and organized by Dr. Alfonso Blanco (UCD-Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research) and sponsored by Dako.

It was introduced by Michael T. O’Sullivan , Assistant Director of the UCD-Conway Institute of Biomolecular and Biomedical Research, that pointed out that this was the second time that this institution host this event and the good impact that this kind of networks and meetings can have in the future and develop of this useful and powerful technique.

Three talks were given during the 2nd Meeting:
- Flow cytometry research in cell culture technology. Prof. Mohamed Al-Rubeai. Dept. of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering – University College Dublin
- Flow Cytometry as a tool to study immune-mediated diseases. Prof. Padraic Fallon. School of Biochemistry and Immunology – Trinity College Dublin
- Day to day in a Haematology laboratory. Mrs. Marian O’Riain. Haematology Laboratory – University College Hospital Galway

Nevertheless, the main purpose of this meeting was introduced the different groups that are actually working in all Ireland with the aim of sharing information, interchange protocols, create new contacts, look for new projects and try to solve common problems, consultancy in tendering process, …

This was a very successful meeting because of the high number and quality of participants and groups. There were 43 participants from 35 different groups. Each group had the opportunity to introduce themselves and explain their main projects, objectives and problems. This meeting join at the Lecture Theather of the UCD-Conway Institute:
- 6 groups from Trinity College Dublin (1 Core Facility included)
- 11 groups from University College Dublin (1 Core Facility included)
- 8 groups from Belfast
- 1 group from Cork
- 1 group from Galway
- 2 groups from Limerick
- 1 group from Mayo, as well as,
- 9 groups from different hospitals:
- Coombe Women's Hospital,
- Mater Misericordiae University Hospital,
- Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children (Crumlin),
- Rotunda Hospital,
- Saint Vincent Hospital and
- University College Hospital Galway

It is necessary point out the attendance of Scientific support and Sale Managers of 3 main Flow Cytometry Manufacturers (BD Biosciences, Coulter and Dako), as well as some other companies as BioSciences.

To see images of this event, please click here
For more information, please check the UCD-Conway Institute news web page.


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